Wednesday, January 27, 2010

CFS at Rose's

CFS at Rose's
Originally uploaded by ScrumpyFU
Rose's has a long, local tradition of being pretty darned good so I was stoked to try their CFS. My original review's below. So, having the chance to see if it held up (the best test I've found for recommending any CFS here) I returned this past weekend. Here's what I found this time 'round:

Great spread for the money and probably the best gravy I've yet had. Kudos, too, for the unbuttered toast.

But as for the CFS itself, it's a middling effort. It's closer to the German-style of breading but w/ the density of a southern-style recipe. The end result is a happier marriage of the two but the overall sogginess doesn't do it any favors. Granted, its lack of taste is fairly easily dismissed by the superlative gravy coating it nicely; but the coating is what sits closest to the meat itself and should inform the steak. But here, under the gravy, it's pretty flavorless, made without much joy, just an additional entry on the menu.